Thursday, August 22, 2019

Story Book Favorites

Heroes Revealed was a great storybook that I browsed through. I thought it was super creative how the idea of different paradises are portrayed in each story. The introduction was really funny as well. I liked particularly how Valhalla had Beowulf in the paradise and the other stories included different heroes that I have not learned or read about yet. The organization is great. The storybook definitely makes me interested in learning and reading more about what is ahead.

Alice's Friends was pretty fun to read too. Also along the same lines of different perspectives like the Heroes revealed one, I enjoyed the idea of reading the wonderland story through different character's perspectives. Specifically, I like the one about the rabbit and how interesting it must be to see the Alice in wonderland story through the perspective of the rabbit. The organization was easy. The introduction was fun too and got me thinking about the idea of different perspectives as I progress in my future storybook.

When Brothers Cross Paths is pretty neat. I was not sure what I was expecting at first but the introduction explained things pretty well. The storybook takes the perspective of Sam and Dean Winchester, the protagonists from Supernatural. At first, I expected kind of a spooky storybook but it ended up being a lot cooler than that. The storybook was pretty interesting because each new part was like a new chapter in the previous thing that I read. I was not sure how it was organized at first but it's cool. This is different from the other storybooks because the story continues. From the introduction, I expected more of a continuation story so this makes sense.

Overall, my favorite ones are Alice's friends and heroes revealed one. I might make my storybook a combination of the two through the perspective of other people viewing Patrick as a hero in different paradises?

Ninth Sphere (Primum Mobile)
9th sphere of Dante's Paradiso

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