The first article I read and listened to was the commencement speech given by Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman commencement speech. The article covered a speech given by Neil Gaiman addressing a graduating arts college. One thing that really stood out to me is the process of enjoying it. How enjoying the process, as challenging as it is to truly love what is happening, to love the work that you do. This has been a challenging lesson that I am learning every day of my life. I also really like what he said about underconfidence and to pretend that I am someone who could do what I want to do. I will put that into practice.
The next article I read
why rejection hurts so much talked about the evolutionary origin of our self criticism. Some things that I really like about the article is the zero-tolerence policy of self-criticism. I often make myself wrong for things that I have no control over anymore and doing that really makes me negative.
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