Saturday, August 31, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Related image
Patrick beating himself up
The first article I read and listened to was the commencement speech given by Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman commencement speech. The article covered a speech given by Neil Gaiman addressing a graduating arts college. One thing that really stood out to me is the process of enjoying it. How enjoying the process, as challenging as it is to truly love what is happening, to love the work that you do. This has been a challenging lesson that I am learning every day of my life. I also really like what he said about underconfidence and to pretend that I am someone who could do what I want to do. I will put that into practice.

The next article I read why rejection hurts so much talked about the evolutionary origin of our self criticism. Some things that I really like about the article is the zero-tolerence policy of self-criticism. I often make myself wrong for things that I have no control over anymore and doing that really makes me negative.

Topic Brainstorm

The four ideas that I have are The Odyssey, Beowulf, Tricksters, and Dante's Inferno

For Beowulf, I want to incorporate Patrick Star into the story by breaking the story of Beowulf up into 3 parts - Patrick, Patrick's Mom, and Albert. I'd retell the story of Beowulf with the twist of instead of Beowulf winning the fights, Patrick would win all the fights. The idea would be what would happen if Patrick gets his mother involved and maybe even Albert? The background I have on Beowulf is the translation I read from Seamus Heaney. 

The Odyssey:
The story of Nostos told through the eyes of Patrick in the world of Toy Story trying to find his way back home to his owner, Albert. It would that Albert went to war years ago and what was supposed to be a 10-year war I eventually got married and left Patrick behind and got preoccupied with other aspects of my life. Patrick on the other hand, crying in a box of golden corral crane machine toys prays every day that God will bring him back home to Albert. By some miracle, a crane one day picks him up but because he is so ugly, the kid who wins him throws him away into the wastebasket and through a series of adventures with inanimate objects, Patrick ends up home only to find Albert's house LITTERED. with SUITORS.

The story of Patrick being a trickster in every story, but Patrick actually is not playing dumb. He's just so dumb and the dialogue is a comical narrative of what happens when bad guys have to interact with Patrick. All the bad guys end up going back into their cages or whatever and never come out ever again.

Dante's Inferno:
Patrick goes to hell and finds nobody there. In a desperate attempt to get out of hell, he goes deeper into the inferno and realizes that he has every single one of these sins and actually belongs there. Having realized that he committed all the sins himself, Patrick becomes calmer and calmer as he goes through all the punishments, the demons become annoyed and try to send him back up the ladder to get him out of hell or else they would be stuck with him. The problem? Patrick DOES NOT WANT TO LEAVE. DUN DUN DUN!
Patrick in the inferno

Friday, August 30, 2019

week 2 story: patrick the trickster

The time is currently 12:22AM. Albert makes a bowl of quinoa and rice.

Once upon a time, swift-footed Georgie walked down a street. At the corner of his eyes, he sees a big burly clown-man waving.
Northampton clown. Image: Facebook
clown saying hello
The big burly clown-man smiled at him softly and runs into the street gutters. Swift footed Georgie, braver than a brave man, runs towards the gutters. Georgie looks down and sees... this.
Stephen King It clown

"What the ****!" 
yelped swift-footed Georgie, as he jumps backward similar to how other little boys his age would jump backward if they saw what he saw.

"Uh... hey there little fella," said the clown.

"MOM!!!!!!" yelled Georgie.

"SHHHH!!! not too loud!" 

Curious, swift-footed Georgie gets closer to the clown. 

"What the HECK are you doing down there?" asked the valiant boy.

"Playing Pokemon GO"

"In there?!"


"Well, you damn near gave me a heart attack!"

"I know I'm sorry, but I need your help!"

"With what?" said Georgie as he takes a step back.

"Well, could you give me a hand? I got stuck!" said the clown as he reaches out to grab Georgie.

"Probably not. My mom said not to talk to strangers." said swift-footed Georgie as he got even further back.

"Please!" cried the clown.

"Okay, I'll help you."

Georgie grabs hold of the clown's hand and pulls him out of the gutters.

"Thank God! I thought I would be down there forever!" said the clown.

"You're welcome!" remarked Georgie.

"You're a FOOL for pulling me out. I've been down there for years! Now I'm hungry!!!" yelled the clown.

"No! Please don't eat me!" cried Georgie.

As Georgie's life is about to literally be consumed, Patrick Star walks by.
Patrick Star GIF
patrick star walking by

"Oh, Patrick! Oh, wise sage! Please help me!" cried Georgie.

"What's the problem here?" said Patrick.

"This clown is trying to eat me!" said Georgie, pleading for intervention.

"Sounds good! Carry on!" said Patrick as he walks away.

Georgie, feeling hopeless now as the clown slowly gnaws on his head, tries once more to ask Patrick for help.

"Patrick wait!!"

Patrick waddles back.

"Would you like to know how I got into this predicament?"

"Sure!" chimed Patrick.

Georgie explains what happened to Patrick.

"And that's how I got here!" 

Dumb Patrick GIF - Patrick GIFs
patrick is confused. tenor

"So you fell into the gutter?" asked Patrick.

"No! Let me explain it again," yelled Georgie.

Georgie explains the predicament a second time.

"So you grabbed the clown and are about to eat him?" asked Patrick.

The clown enraged by this stupidity takes his mouth off of Georgie's head and attempts to explain.


"You got stuck and the gutter pulled you out? And now Georgie wants to eat you?" asked Patrick.

"NO!! LET ME SHOW YOU. I GOT STUCK LIKE THIS!" yelled the clown.

The clown jumps back into the gutter.

"And stuck you will say!" yelled Georgie as he runs away to his mommy.

Authors Notes:
I got the idea for this story from the anthology that we read regarding the trickster hare and the lion who tries to eat the brahmin. I thought it would be really funny to do the same story with Pennywise the clown from It. I also replaced the hare with Patrick, who is actually dumb. The story ends similar to how the trickster myth ends with Pennywise jumping back into his "cage" where he remains stuck.

Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912). mythfolklore

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Week 2 reading Anthology

I focused on the characters in each of the stories. I particularly really liked the trickster one with the Jackal. That story gave me a good laugh. I'd like to incorporate a trickster story where Patrick Star plays dumb, but the twist is that he is actually dumb. Although he is a trickster god, he ends up trapping himself in the cage. Everything goes badly from there and the brahmin ends up getting eaten.

Next week I'll focus on something like that haha

Ice Screenshot 20170429-000430 by MaxFunnies2550
Patrick in prison with the tattle tale strangler deviantart

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Week 2 reading over view

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4.

Week 3: Infancy Gospels

Week 4: Odyssey

Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6.

Week 5: Buddha

Week 6: Sindbad

Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.]

Week 7: Japanese Myths

Week 9: China

Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11.

Week 10: Alaska

Week 11: Great Planes

Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13.

Week 12: Arthur

Week 13: Canterbury Tales

Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15.

Week 14: Decameron

Week 15: Hans Christian Anderson

I am really excited for the Bible, Classical, Indian/Middle Eastern, and Celtic!
One thing that I think would be great is the story of Daphnis and Chloe by Longus. I remember Dr. Harper talking about that in class and said that a guy named Dorkon saved Chloe and that name still sticks out to me until this day! Also, the Bhagavad Gita would be a great read along with the Indian units and Gawain and the Green Knight would be cool for the Celtic stuff.

i cant stop thinking about the one time
back in high school we used to have
an art show for all the students art and
some kid made this
the crucifixion of patrick star

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Time Strategies

I read the article called "Why Time Management is Ruining Our Lives" and that was unexpectedly a lot longer of a read than I was expecting. But MAN! I felt like I just went through ten minutes of an existential crisis reading that thing. I'm going on my fifth year here a the university of Oklahoma and for the past four years including the summer time has just been non-stop going. Everything has gone by so fast that I often find myself a little bit sad at how fast the year has gone by. As a matter of fact, when I don't do anything for a day I feel like an absolute sloth. Being busy all the time has created this anxiety and and fear of not being busy. It was a great read and I decided to bookmark it to read it again when I'm a little bit more alert to read again!

I found this picture when I was looking for a relevant picture for this post
travis with a ch


I never realized that you could make a game out of Twine. That's a great idea for a class project and I might try to incorporate twine into my project this year. Last year I used word press which was really easy so I might use it again this semester and add some funny podcasts. Refreshing myself with these tools I completely forgot that I learned how to do all this!

image found on deviantart

thoughts on the assignments

One of my favorite things about the Indian Epics class was the "storytelling" assignments. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of adding my own spin to all the stories and trying to make it as funny as possible. Also, story-telling was a lot of fun because regardless of whatever I wrote, I know other people had to read it for their blog commenting assignments! So there was a thrill in thinking about how people would respond to these stories and that always gave me a good laugh.

image found on tumblr

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Growth Mindset

Over a year ago I read something about growth mindset in the Indian Epics course and briefly skimmed over some of its criticisms and flat out rejected it. I felt completely okay with the notion that I knew everything that was going on and that there could possibly be no criticism to a growth mindset. 
Today I took this assignment on again and read the articles criticizing the growth mindset and am completely blown away. I really felt like I cheated myself on having my beliefs challenged by not reading the articles as closely as I did this time.
For the past four years of college, I have entrenched myself in this belief that your attitude is everything and have completely disregarded any arguments that stated otherwise. One of the most profound connections that I found when reading these arguments is how conservative of a narrative that I have adopted in my progression throughout college and how those conservative views that I have fostered are not perfect.
I'm really thankful I read through all three of those articles criticizing grit and growth mindset!

Shocked Clap GIF - Shocked Clap Omg GIFsShocked Clap GIF - Shocked Clap Omg GIFsShocked Clap GIF - Shocked Clap Omg GIFs

Story Book Favorites

Heroes Revealed was a great storybook that I browsed through. I thought it was super creative how the idea of different paradises are portrayed in each story. The introduction was really funny as well. I liked particularly how Valhalla had Beowulf in the paradise and the other stories included different heroes that I have not learned or read about yet. The organization is great. The storybook definitely makes me interested in learning and reading more about what is ahead.

Alice's Friends was pretty fun to read too. Also along the same lines of different perspectives like the Heroes revealed one, I enjoyed the idea of reading the wonderland story through different character's perspectives. Specifically, I like the one about the rabbit and how interesting it must be to see the Alice in wonderland story through the perspective of the rabbit. The organization was easy. The introduction was fun too and got me thinking about the idea of different perspectives as I progress in my future storybook.

When Brothers Cross Paths is pretty neat. I was not sure what I was expecting at first but the introduction explained things pretty well. The storybook takes the perspective of Sam and Dean Winchester, the protagonists from Supernatural. At first, I expected kind of a spooky storybook but it ended up being a lot cooler than that. The storybook was pretty interesting because each new part was like a new chapter in the previous thing that I read. I was not sure how it was organized at first but it's cool. This is different from the other storybooks because the story continues. From the introduction, I expected more of a continuation story so this makes sense.

Overall, my favorite ones are Alice's friends and heroes revealed one. I might make my storybook a combination of the two through the perspective of other people viewing Patrick as a hero in different paradises?

Ninth Sphere (Primum Mobile)
9th sphere of Dante's Paradiso

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Introduction - Patrick...a story of creation.

Hello everyone, my name is Albert, and I am a letters-constitutional studies major here at OU. I'm a fifth-year senior and will be applying to medical school this spring! For the past four years in college, I've run my own business every year in different states with Southwestern Advantage and have had a blast! Also, Every summer, I bring a little wooden Patrick Star with me and take pictures with it... sometimes with my customers.
Here is Patrick being sported by one of his fans last summer in Michigan
Uploaded from my Iphone

A little over a year ago I took the Indian Epics course with Dr. Gibbs and wrote everything through the persona of Patrick Star. I really enjoyed the creative process of it so I'm doing the same thing for this course! Join me as I explore different myths and legends with Patrick!

Before we do that, here is a little bit of background on who and what Patrick is. Patrick is a wooden figurine that I created in 10th grade in my ceramics class at Classen SAS. He was created completely by accident. My friend and I were designing a sculpture out of two pieces of wood. Both pieces failed, but from the rubble arose possibility. My friend ended up throwing his piece of wood away, but I saw potential with my half. At first, the block looked potentially like a long sword. I shaved the piece and sanded it down into what later resembled a magnet shaped device. The final product was a wooden figurine that resembled Patrick Star from the popular show on Nickelodeon, Spongebob Squarepants. I decided to paint the figurine a shade of pink and had another friend draw a face on him.                             

All photos were uploaded from my Phone
Anyways, I thought Patrick was super funny and started taking pictures of Patrick. It started off as a joke between me and my friends and we took pictures of him everywhere.
                                                      Here this is Patrick Skyping with one of my friends
                                                  Patrick with a baby photo
                                          Here Patrick is part of my Science Fair project
                                          A rad picture of Patrick in my physics class with the Tesla Coil
                                        Patrick at a Mexican Restaurant (Featuring my sister in the background)
                                      Here Patrick is being sported by one of my friends as a pocket square
                                              Also, all these photos were taken from my phone

I even created an Instagram page for him at one point and it went viral (not really).
                                                     All pictures were taken from my phone

I admit it was hilarious for the first few days and then everybody expected the joke to die down. But it never did. As a matter of fact, I still think it's hilarious! Even in college, I think this is hilarious and will randomly take pictures of him, kind of like a weird zany continuous art project will no definitive goal.
Patrick in somebody's garden statue with a frozen donut.
Uploaded from my iphone
Anyways, the blog turned out pretty well last time I did it so hopefully it is pretty decent this time!
Have fun reading!

Patrick in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina... My Favorite Place

One of my favorite memories this summer was this summertime when Albert took me along with him during his adventure in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina. Sneads Ferry is a tiny shrimping community with lots of cultures and the community was absolutely amazing and welcoming. It was on June 10th at around 5:40pm that he took me out and positioned me for some cool photos on the horizon of the pier. The second photo is of me on the hood of his car next to the seafood restaurant Blackbeard.

Both of these photos were taken personally from my iphone SE