Sunday, September 8, 2019

Topic Research: Longing in the Odyssey

I'm interested in the theme of nostos in the story of the Odyssey. Odysseus's longing to come home to Ithaca is very touching and relatable, and I want to explore what that means to long in the Odyssey. The translation I read previously is by Robert Fagles, but I'll reference both Fagles and Kline for my project. Also, there is a poem I read by C.P. Cavafy called "Ithaka" that represents the idea of the "journey" really well and I might use that in the intro.
For the project, I will focus on different scenes that portray this longing:

1. Calypso's island
2. Circe
3. Achilles in the underworld?
4. Odysseus on Ithaka.

1. Robert Fagles The Odyssey
2. Tony Kline The Odyssey 
Image result for ithaca the odyssey

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