Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reading Notes: infancy gospels part A

This is my first time reading the infancy gospels and I am quite entertained by the stories. I had not idea that there were other stories of Christ that were not included in the Bible. I really liked the miracle stories of the Baby Jesus and especially how that little devil kid put the towel on his head and crows and serpents came out of him. The way that all these people interacted with each other are really interesting and they all had the same conclusion that it was God doing the workd.

The Bible King James Version
The Lost Books of the Bible, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926).
was baby Jesus a Holy Terror?
the daily beast

1 comment:

  1. From my experience reading, I have seen how in the bible, infants can have a lot of symbolic significance. Babies can represent the idea of being new and pure. This is especially relevant because usually families in modern-day christian households give their babies the sacrament of Baptism, which is the entrance into the church and clearing of all original sin; hence this symbolism has intense and deep meaning.
